The good last will – there is a life after life

Since 2014 the MPS society has been part of the initiative– an initiative for the good last will.

We are fully dedicated to our MPS-children. But we can only be successful, if our donators back us up, accompany us on the path and support our projects through financial contribution.

More and more people decide to consider, beside their families, non- profit organisations in their will. 
Maybe it also is one of your wishes to support our work for MPS-children in the long term. With a legacy in favour of the MPS-Society you can help sustainably, shape the future and create something permanent for the next generation – beyond life.

Make patients smile:

Your legacy renews the hope of MPS-children and grants new perspectives for the future.

We are well aware of the sensitivity of the issue. We just want to show what donations and legacies can do. A legacy can help MPS-children effectively and sustainably and give them better chances like:

  • chance for rapid diagnosis
  • chance for effective therapy
  • chance for better quality of life


Get more information here:

Donation accounts:

Main account
Erste Bank:  AT89 2011 1847 2581 7800

Account for therapy and treatment (earmarked)
Erste Bank:  AT89 2011 1847 2581 7801

Account for scientific research (earmarked)
Erste Bank:  AT89 2011 1847 2581 7802

Account for donation mailings
Erste Bank:  AT89 2011 1847 2581 7803


Society for MPS and related diseases

Michaela Weigl
A - 4612 Finklham 90
Phone & Fax: + 43-7249-47795

ZVR: 423245305 | DVR: 10616741

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