New therapies for Mucopolysaccharidoses

New forms of treatment are researched to increase the effectiveness on tissues that do not respond well to the enzyme replacement therapy – such as brain, bones and cartilage.

The aim of the research is to improve the already existing enzyme replacement therapy or to develop new therapeutic approaches. Some of the therapeutic options are still in research, others tested in clinical trials.

Ttreatment of the brain by direct administration into the brain / cerebrospinal fluid

  1. Crossing the blood-brain barrier via intrathecal enzyme administration
  2. In vivo gene therapy directly into the brain cells


Treatment of the brain by direct crossing of the blood-brain barrier

  1. Using the transferring receptor mechanism to get past the blood-brain barrier
  2. Using the insulin receptors at the blood brain barrier
  3. Using nanoparticles to cross the blood-brain barrier


Other methods to improve enzyme action or symptom control

  1. “Detecting” gene modification in the genetic material responsible for the lacking enzyme production
  2. Reducing the inflammatory reaction in joints (pentosane polysulfate PPS)

Donation accounts:

Main account
Erste Bank:  AT89 2011 1847 2581 7800

Account for therapy and treatment (earmarked)
Erste Bank:  AT89 2011 1847 2581 7801

Account for scientific research (earmarked)
Erste Bank:  AT89 2011 1847 2581 7802

Account for donation mailings
Erste Bank:  AT89 2011 1847 2581 7803


Society for MPS and related diseases

Michaela Weigl
A - 4612 Finklham 90
Phone & Fax: + 43-7249-47795

ZVR: 423245305 | DVR: 10616741

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