Our MPS ambassador

Wolfgang Böck

Actor and MPS ambassador

There are many diseases in this world. Most common diseases and rare diseases like for example MPS.

MucoPolySaccharidoses are hardly known. Ten years ago, I myself had no idea what MPS means. When I first was confronted with it, learned about the disease and what is causing it, how sneaky and underhanded it is, I decided to use my popularity and profile to promote public awareness of MPS, so that MPS patients and their families can be helped more effectively than before.

My concern is not to leave MPS – families alone. They didn’t ask for this terrible fate and they deserve help. Thus my appeal: Please do help!

Creating prospects together – for children with MPS

Yours sincerely
Wolfgang Böck

It was in 2005, when Wolfgang Böck, alias “Kommissar Trautmann“, shook hands with our MPS-children. Since then, he has been dedicated on MPS as ambassador. We are happy and proud to have him at our side.

Wolfgang Böck on the way to make a difference for MPS

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Shopping counts!

In addition, there are other ways of how to help MPS children when you do your shopping:

  • Have you ever heard of amazon.smile?

This link is a donor link: smile.amazon.de is nothing else but the amazon you know. The same products, the same prices, the same service. Smile.Amazon is a simple way for customers to support a non-profit organisation of your choice without additional costs with every purchase.

Click the amazon smile logo, log in as customer and choose the aid organisation you want to support with your purchase. Amazon Smile started on 11 November 2016 in Germany and Austria: Amazon donates 0,5% of the sale price of its qualifying smile.amazon.de - purchases to the selected charity.

This is how amazon customers can support non-profit organisations with 0,5% via the amazon smile program.

Donation accounts:

Main account
Erste Bank:  AT89 2011 1847 2581 7800

Account for therapy and treatment (earmarked)
Erste Bank:  AT89 2011 1847 2581 7801

Account for scientific research (earmarked)
Erste Bank:  AT89 2011 1847 2581 7802

Account for donation mailings
Erste Bank:  AT89 2011 1847 2581 7803


Society for MPS and related diseases

Michaela Weigl
A - 4612 Finklham 90
Phone & Fax: + 43-7249-47795
Mail: office@mps-austria.at

ZVR: 423245305 | DVR: 10616741

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